摘 要:水景能够在景观中发挥特殊的作用,能够给人带来美好的享受,可是随着水资源的日益短缺,如何去营建适于人欣赏的水景成为每一个景观设计师所面临的问题,本文只是做了一个简单的分析及思考,希望能够起到一定的抛砖引玉的作用。 关键字:水景;水资源;喷泉;野草
Abstract: Water feature can play the special role in the landscape, can bring happy enjoy to the person, but is day by day short along with the water resources, how built is suitable for the person appreciates water feature becomes the question which each landscape designer faced, this article only is does one simple analysis and the ponder, hoped can get up function which certain offered a few ordinary introductory remarks so that others may offer their valuable ideas. Key word: water feature; water resources; eruptive fountain; weeds
中国园林素有“有山皆是园,无水不成景”之说,由此可见水对于景观的重要性。可是,现在的水景现状却令人勘忧。城市中随处可见的大喷泉(如图一)却静静的躺在水里而不喷水,到处是被污染的河流、小溪,还有那笔直高深的蓄洪大坝,更不用说那些早已干涸的水池了……,(如图二)这是一种很普遍的水景现象,这是一种很可悲的水景现象! |